Yunnan Zoo relocates cats after controversy with monkeys

A zoo in Kunming in Southwest China's Yunnan province said on Friday that they will relocate the two cats out of the Monkey Mountain enclosure, in response to public controversy sparked by a video that shows monkeys abusing the stray cats.

Kunming Zoo said the cats will undergo comprehensive check-ups, and their conditions will be disclosed to the public timely.

The zoo placed cats in the monkey enclosure since 2013 for rodent control, resulting in a significant reduction in rat infestations within a year.

For over a decade, the monkeys and cats have been getting along harmoniously, and the cats are in good physical condition, said the zoo.

However, the video shows monkeys dragging and pulling stray cats, leading to public unease over the safety of animals within the enclosure and has raised concerns over the zoo's cohabitation practices.

Shall not be reproduced without permission:ZHLL.COM » Yunnan Zoo relocates cats after controversy with monkeys